Winter flavours & experiences to feed your soul & keep you warm


“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home,” – Edith Sitwell.

Winter might be hibernation season, but there’s something magical about wintertime. It is easy to lose sight of this sense of wonder that winter brings – days are shorter, nights longer, it is colder with plenty of rain, wind and maybe some snow on the Cape mountains.
Think crackling fires, marshmallows, hot chocolate, comfort food and spending quality time with your loved ones.

Dust off old childhood board games and share past experiences with your family. It is also the perfect time to be inspired and discover new habits. Why not sign up for a online cooking masterclass, declutter your home or learn a new skill. Curl up by the fire and read an inspirational book, start a journal or diary in order to express your thoughts, make some time for yourself or watch timeless classic movies.

Indulge in local food traditions such as braaivleis, bobotie, stews and curries – dishes that have been handed down from generation to generation or order your favourite dishes from your local restaurant.