TE Tours: Last call – India & Tigers

“While the perfection of the Taj Mahal stands as the ultimate Indian icon, a journey through India goes far beyond the wonder of this monument.

Nestled within the wild heart of India lies Ranthambore National Park, a sanctuary of untamed beauty and, most notably, the awe-inspiring presence of Royal Bengal tigers – the undisputed sovereign of these lands. The rustle of leaves and the distant calls of various creatures create a symphony of nature, setting the stage for the grand reveal of these magnificent creatures prowling through the lush foliage or cooling off in serene water bodies, their striped coats blending seamlessly with the dappled sunlight.

Our small group tour to India is a sensory odyssey, through vibrant hues, sumptuous textures and the heartfelt embrace of its people. From bustling Mumbai to romantic Udaipur, where marble palaces appear to levitate on glistening lakes. The Golden Triangle, anchored by the timeless Taj Mahal in Agra, presents a myriad of experiences. Jaipur’s Pink City entices with the grandeur of the Amber Fort, and elegantly adorned elephants.

Delhi, the capital of the world’s largest democracy, pulsates as a bustling nexus of history and modernity. Varanasi, on the banks of the sacred Ganges River, reveals the quintessence of Hinduism and the pervasive spirituality that imbues every facet of Indian existence. All stringed together by the world-famous aromas and flavours of the delectable Indian cuisine.

Be more than just a mere tourist, be an honoured guest in this land of the eternal and heartfelt smile, join our small group tour in February 2024 and discover the magic of Incredible India.”

Visit TE Tours at Club Travel Tyger Valley Centre
| www.smallgrouptours.co.za or call 021 914 2265 | [email protected]