There’s a mix of motion and emotion as we move into the new year. Some of us are filled with excitement and others with dread.
But mostly it is my opinion that we experience a feeling of relief to various degrees. Relief and gratitude that the year has come to an end! Finally. As if everything on the 1st of January will magically blossom into new beginnings. But our habits remain… What is that famous Albert Einstein line? “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
One trick is to act before your brain has a chance to object! For example, when you wake up, get up! Don’t think about it and push that pause button on the alarm. And this applies to all areas of your life you wish to change. Here are six habits to replace the ones that are not serving you:
Make time for yourself – How do successful people manage to get so much done and still have time to spend with their families? They plan their day. Plan me-time and family-time into your schedule. If you don’t take charge of your life, it will take on its own momentum and drag you along.
Move forward – I’m a great fan of the ‘work hard and win’ theme of the Rocky movies, and love Stallone’s message in one of the more recent films. It goes something like this: ‘It is not that when you fall down, you get up. You need to make a choice that when you get up, you will keep moving forward.’
Give back – There are many charities that really need volunteers, and if you’re feeling like you’ve not made much of a difference – now is your chance. Get your children involved as well and teach them the importance of giving back. You will receive more than you can ever imagine.
Empty those cupboards – Getting rid of old, unused items will make you feel so much lighter. When I need to declutter my mind, I start emptying cupboards. But it works for me. I feel so much lighter and regret that I have not allowed that feeling of creating space, sooner.
Breathe – There is nothing more fulfilling and destressing than taking deep breaths of fresh air. Leave the electronics behind, get a life and enjoy the feeling of fresh air in your lungs. Let your body experience the earth; sand under your feet and water on your skin.
Focus on the good things in life – Create a gratitude journal. Many people have written about this, and if you apply it daily, you will find how liberating it truly is. Taking the time to celebrate the small things (and the big things) will help you realise how precious your life is and how much there is to be grateful for. Wise words come to mind from Dr John Demartini: ‘The more grateful you are, the more you will receive to be grateful for.’
Article by Daleen Totten, Healthy Living