Reasons why you should train with a friend


Similar to joining a club, agreeing to exercise with a friend gives you an incentive (other than to exercise) to do something active. Motivating yourself to exercise through these cold months can be tough, so think about buddying up with a friend. It will help change your perspective of working out to something a little more enjoyable and sociable.

“Did you know that exercising with a friend gives you an incentive to do something active and it opens up a whole new range of possibilities for motivation?” Fransoa Ebersohn, Brand and Communication Specialist at Zone Fitness Clubs explains.

Here are a number of benefits why training with a friend can help you to reach your fitness goals:

It makes training more fun – When you train with a friend you will less likely get bored. While training with someone you can also have a great laugh and do some catching up, but most importantly, both of you will also get healthier in the process. This is a win-win situation.

Getting out of your comfort zone – Training with a close friend can get you out of your comfort zone. You will more than likely be more willing to try fun fitness classes like Zumba, Yoga or Step, which you possibly would not have tried by yourself.

Sticking to your commitment will be much easier when training with a friend. On days that you don’t feel like exercising, your buddy will always be there to support you to do your best. And as exercising becomes routine after a few weeks, you’ll both find it less challenging and will more than likely stick to your commitment.

It strengthens the friendship bond – Spending more time with your friends is excellent for mental health. Spending time together on a regular basis at the gym will help maintain your relationship and will make the bond stronger than it was before. It never hurts having someone you can vent to when needed.

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