CTICC AllSport Expo – all-inclusive consumer sport exhibition

CTICC AllSport Expo

The CTICC AllSport Expo takes place from 9 – 11 September 2022 at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC).

The AllSport Expo is an all-inclusive consumer sport exhibition featuring virtually every type of outdoor, indoor and water sport enjoyed by South Africans. The expo has something for everyone, and offers sport retailers, wellness practitioners, event organisers, and anyone who has anything to do with sport, health, and wellness a unique opportunity to showcase their offerings.

Visitors to the AllSport Expo are in for a truly extraordinary experience encompassing every conceivable aspect of sport and wellness from health, nutrition, medical and wellness products to sport equipment, active-wear, and cutting-edge technology – all under one roof!

Other exciting features include: Mini-challenges, inspiring competitions, sport training sessions, wellness workshops, live demo’s, Performance coaching, sport injury and rehab workshops, and a Kids Sport Zone.

For more information visit www.cticc.co.za