Miss Deaf International 2022, is running #TTOM2023 so others can hear

Megan Carmil Holmes may be Deaf, but she is anything but silent. This Group Finance Officer by profession has recently become Ms Deaf International 2022, but as more than just a pageant titleholder, she’s using her new-found platform to make a difference. She is running the Totalsports Two Oceans Half Marathon to fundraise for Hear Us, an organization that assists children and adults in obtaining cochlear implants, ultimately changing their lives. Megan shares her journey and how being Deaf has impacted her life, both positively and negatively.

Growing up as a Deaf person, Megan faced communication barriers in everyday life. “Being Deaf has a huge impact negatively on everyday life, especially when you are trying to find another job, get a better salary and improve life. Communication barriers are the number one issue for us wherever you go,” Megan explained.

Megan’s personal experience with cochlear implants led her to support Hear Us. “It can improve hearing in Deaf people who are no longer helped by using hearing aids, and this is why I decided to go for my cochlear implant a few years ago. It can also improve communication and quality of life,” Megan said. “It’s very expensive, and I was thinking of children and adults coming from disadvantaged backgrounds that are unable to afford to get Cochlear implants, and I want to help improve their quality of life.”

When we asked her about her inspiration for taking on this fundraising challenge, Megan cited her daughter. Her daughter was born Deaf and received her first cochlear implant at the age of one, and the second one after the age of two. “She inspired me to do this fundraising challenge and to run to make a difference for others,” Megan said.
Megan has always been an avid cyclist and has used it to help her prepare for the Totalsports Two Oceans Half Marathon.

As Megan continues her training and fundraising efforts, she hopes to raise awareness for cochlear implants and spread Deaf awareness to the hearing community effectively. She also hopes for South African Sign Language to be the official 12th language, which can make everyday life easier for Deaf people.